Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dinner Outing

I know it is hard to see, but the first picture says "Free Appetizer" and in small print it says "Your information is safe with us. LongHorn Steakhouse will not sell your information."

Like the case study,the question whether it is ethical to sell information is pointed out here in LongHorns ad.  This is a survey that, I believe, is addressing age groups and gender that come into their restaurant. A free appetizer is given to those who fill it out.  This is used to reel the consumer into being apart of their survey.  I thought it was very socially responsible for them to add that they will not sell customers information.  What do you think?  Would this persuade you to fill it out?

The second photo is at the end of the table. It says "step down" because there is a step from the table to the floor. As a safety precaution they have to put this up so that if some one where to fall they wont get sued.  Can you find any other places that do something like this?

Just a thought.

Cognitive Dissonance: an uncomfortable mental state resulting from conflicting cognitions; usually resolved by changing some of the cognitions (world english dictionary).

Cognitive dissonance is when you splurge and buy four Victoria Secret bras at $45.50 a piece.  You knows this price is far to much for a bra, you could go to Marshals and get four bras for $40 all together. You feel guilty for buying name brand at a high price but you console your self by saying they are "better" and last longer.  Just recently I got my hair done at a salon when I know that I could have boughten box color for $7.  

Have you experienced the feeling of cognitive dissonance?  Tell me a story.