Saturday, February 5, 2011

Then and Now

In my Economics class my professor presented this ad

It is an ad about the election in 1964 between Goldwater and Johnson.

An ad from 2008 election of Barack Obama

Looking from an ad in 1964 to more then 40 years later we can see the differences.  Both include children in their ads.  The first is attacking the opponent by showing an innocent girl and the effects that Goldwater will have if he were to be elected. This uses propaganda which was commonly used in the 60's.  Though it could be true because Goldwater was a communist, Johnsons ad conveys that Goldwater will kill man kind. Obama's ad also uses the interest of the people by adding children in his campaign but his is more of a promotion of what he will accomplish if elected. Can you decipher the major differences between both ads?  Whats your reaction, if Johnson and Obama were against each other who do you think the public would choice if given those two ads?

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